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Jon Taylor

A Brief Review of the Answers in Genesis Conference

Why is this ministry so vital? Because essential biblical doctrine is rooted in Genesis. Think about it for a moment…Biblical marriage, being created male and female, being created in God’s image, the sanctity of life, the lineage of all humans and the nations descended from Noah, faith in God, covenant promises, the gospel with the promise of a Redeemer and election are all rooted in Genesis. If these foundations are laid in place early on there are innumerable blessings. Consequently if we slip up by using allegorical explanations for the events in Genesis, both our theology and the results of that worldview will inevitably be catastrophic.

Though there are more philosophies that we may care to count, most importantly we can either embrace a biblical perspective or a non-biblical one. If you cannot trust Genesis history to be accurate how can you trust the biblical truth concerning salvation? We must be cognizant that every day we are being bombarded with secularist and pagan ideology from the media and in our educational establishments and the best defence against this is to be thoroughly grounded in the Scriptures.

This will give us a banner of truth and a standard to weigh up everything that is being relentlessly imposed upon us through secularist propaganda. This typically raises its ugly head under the guise of ‘tolerance’ when what is actually being pushed is an intolerant and totalitarian universalism.

The conference provided excellent teaching on apologetics, social issues, how to raise children biblically and much more. I have opened a low cost and good value subscription to Answers TV which is an excellent resource of which I can see many benefits. In addition to providing programs from Living Waters, various conferences, documentaries, films, science, social issues and music and song there are also plenty of children’s resources which would be invaluable.

It is unrealistic to expect kids to form a solid biblical worldview if they only have spiritual input once a week whilst during school hours, they are continually exposed to secularist ideology from a confused and godless postmodern culture. It is well known that godly kings sometimes had offspring who did not follow the Lord and much truth was lost within a generation. Now is the time to seriously recover biblical truth and train ourselves and our children to ensure the truth of the gospel is passed on to the next generation.

Jon Taylor February 2021

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